What Kind of Place is Turkey ?

If you are trying to get information for the purchase of housing or to invest in Turkey, you need to get closely acquainted with Turkey. For people who do not recognize Turkey, finding accurate information is almost impossible. Because all that is written is prepared to create positive energy. So Turkey is a paradise according to these writings. Yes, Turkey is a paradise, but all areas of life in Turkey is not paradise. There is high inflation in Turkey. Nobody has the same standard of living. Vendors who try to sell something to strangers at exorbitant prices are people who hide accurate information.


The beauties of Turkey which is Europe’s fourth-largest tourist destination are so intense that you can not focus on a single city. So, you want to stay in Turkey for both housing investment and residence. You will find many opportunities for all areas of life.  

Turkey has thousands of historical and cultural values such as Göbeklitepe, Nemrut, Hagia Sophia, and Halicarnassus, which attracts the attention of the world. Turkey’s cultural values ​​is a good reason for foreign people. But another reason is the perfect Bosphorus, which is the bridge between Europe and Asia.

Turkish people

Turkish people are good hosts with their friendly and hospitable personalities. Only when those nice friendly people get into arguments about football, traffic, politics, and faith, they may get angry quickly and do not hesitate to speak slang. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid arguing about football, traffic, politics, and belief.


In the country where the religion of Islam is predominant and governed by a secular republic system, freedom of belief has been an issue that has been taken into consideration for centuries. Many religious groups, including Christians and Jews, have the freedom to worship, and faith tourism is seen as a prominent field of activity due to historical values. It has a 365 days active system in tourism.

Living Conditions in Turkey

 In Turkey, the minimum wage is 356 USD in March. You have to pay 1.40 USD for a coffee and at least 9.30 USD for a three-course meal. If you have foreign currency income, your living standards will be above average.


If you want to reside in the coastal area, you can choose different cities outside of Istanbul’s Bosphorus. You can spend your summer season in places such as Çeşme, Bodrum, Alanya, Ayvalık, where summer tourism is active.

In addition to metropolitan cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, cities such as Bursa and Kütahya have begun to attract the attention of housing investors. Especially if you want to choose cities that are livable in four seasons, you can choose the atmosphere of Bursa and Kütahya full of hot springs.

For a family of four, it is possible to maintain a comfortable life with an average budget of 2 thousand USD. This makes it quite easy to live in Turkey. You should know that you will not be too difficult for a residence permit, which is extremely important. 

Turkey’s Climate

When I give information about Turkey to you, I will mention its climate. In particular, seeing three different climate types provides advantages in terms of tourism as well as a natural habitat diversification. In large parts of Turkey, the climate is temperate and continental. Four seasons are markedly experienced due to the country’s special position in the world. That’s why you should be ready for four seasons to explore the natural beauty.

There is usually precipitation in the Black Sea climate. It is seen in the Black Sea Region and the Eastern Marmara coasts.

Hot and dry summers, warm and rainy winters make sea tourism last more than 6 months in the Mediterranean climate. It is seen in a part of the Mediterranean and Aegean. The continental climate is seen with severe transitions in the northwest part of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. This has made it easier to create areas where places are ideal for winter tourism.

Turkey’s Economy

Turkey’s economy is not in the heart of the capital, it is in Istanbul. Some options appeal to every income group in Istanbul, where cultural diversity is abundant, and especially European and Arab tourists are interested. In particular, neighborhood markets offer economical solutions for food and clothing, while branded stores and markets in luxury shopping centers appeal to other income groups.

To get more information about Turkey, click here: inaccurate information about Turkey 


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